Tag your link with your utm campaign parameters. For the source, use utm_source=dynamic. For example, a link to your site within a press release would go to:

UTM Parameters are the standard parameters which are supported by analytics and marketing software like Google Analytics, Hubspot, KISSmetrics, etc.

There is a total of 5 UTM Parameters that can be added to a URL.

They are:
  1. Utm_source
  2. Utm_medium
  3. Utm_term
  4. Utm_content
  5. Utm_campaign

Standard Tracking Snippet:

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXX-YY', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

Modify to include traffic source info:

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXX-YY', 'auto');
ga('set', {
 'campaignSource': source,
 'campaignMedium': medium,
 'campaignName': campaign,
 'campaignContent': content
ga('send', 'pageview');

However, it not mandatory to tag your URLs with all these parameters.

A URL which includes all the UTM parameters will look as shown below:



As you can see a “?” follows your complete URL. Each UTM Parameter is separated by an ampersand “&.” It should be noted that the UTM Parameters can be included in a URL in any order.

So, you can use as many UTM Parameters as you want. You can use one or a combination of these UTM Parameters or even all the UTM Parameters to be very specific.

1. Source (utm_source)
The source (utm_source) UTM Parameter is used to identify the website or app that sends visitors to your site.
For example, if you are posting a link on Facebook, the source should be tagged as “Facebook.” For ad campaign on Twitter, you should use “Twitter” as the source.

2. Medium (utm_medium)
The Medium (utm_medium) UTM Parameter is used to identify the kind of marketing medium where you have placed your link.

For example, if you have placed the link to a social media site such as Facebook or Twitter then you should use utm_medium =social
Some of the common medium tags are as follows:

Banner (it is used for banner ads)

Email (when you have posted links inside email newsletters)

Social (when you have posted links to social media sites)

Offline (used for offline promotion)

CPC (for cost per click or pay per click campaigns)

3. Campaign (utm_campaign)

The Campaign (utm_campaign) UTM Parameter enables you to define what you are promoting or even the way you are promoting your campaign.

For example, if you are promoting special offers during the Christmas period for your online store, you can use the utm_campaign tag such as Christmas-Offer.

However, you should be careful while using the Campaign UTM Parameter. It should ideally contain only campaign information.

For example, just have a look at this URL tagging with Campaign UTM Parameter:


It is not the ideal way to tag your URL with UTM Parameter:

Instead, the URL should be tagged as follows:


So, the campaign is a reusable term.

In the above case, you should use the campaign parameter as

utm_campaign=Christmas-Offer instead of utm_campaign=Christmas-Offer-2018.

Other UTM tags should be used to identify the year and promotion details.

It will enable you to track the performance of the Christmas offer over the years with a single tag.

4. Term (utm_term)

The Term (utm_term) UTM Parameter is used to track your keywords during a paid AdWords campaign. Plus, you can also use this UTM Parameter to identify different aspects in your display ad campaigns.
So, if you are using ad networks, then you should always use the term tag to target ads based on keywords. It helps Google Analytics to capture all keyword data automatically.

5. Content (utm_content)
The Content (utm_content) UTM Parameter is used to identify a link precisely. For example, you can use the utm_content parameter when you have to run an A/B test.

It helps to pass the details of your ad. It can also be used to differentiate between the links that point to the same URL.

So, UTM Parameters are helpful in finding the URLs which are most effective in gaining visitors for your content.

By using Google’s URL Builder, you can systematically add UTM Parameters to your URLs.

It comes as a form inside the Google Analytics Help Center. You need to complete the form for setting up the URLs with UTM Parameters.

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